
Maritime Policy of the Republic of Poland Until 2020

When discussing the subject of Polish maritime economy one has to consider the establishments of the “Maritime Policy of the Republic of Poland Until 2020 (with forecasts until 2030)”. The document was passed in March this year and is aimed at systematizing the priorities and activates of Poland within that area. The strategic mission of Polish maritime economy has been established so that it maximizes versatile social and economic benefits connected with sustainable use of coastal location of the country as well as the resources of seas and oceans. The main strategic goal of the policy being an increase in the maritime economy sector’s share in GDP and in the number of people employed in the sector.


The document also includes 9 main directions for the Polish maritime economy, which are listed below. Knowledge of these directions is supposed to increase the awareness of the role and importance maritime resources play in social and economic development of Poland.  


1. Enhancing the position of Polish seaports.
2. Improving competitiveness of sea transport.
3. Providing maritime salvage and security.
4. Improvement of marine environment and coast protection.
5. Creating conditions for the development of knowledge and qualifications based maritime economy. 
6. Sustainable management of marine environment and ocean natural resources.
7. Marine fishery sustainable development.
8. Improvement of maritime salvage and security.
9. Improvement of maritime management.


“Maritime Policy of the Republic of Poland until 2020” brings special attention to the necessary implementation of the first three directions. Without an efficient transport system, which connects ports and coastal urbanized areas with national infrastructure, the region and Europe, no effective development of maritime economy sector is possible. Here, the document emphasizes the importance of developing seaports as logistics hubs for transport infrastructure. Another vital element of maritime economy is providing shipping services by maritime shipping. This follows its inherent connection with the national transport system and positive influence on the development of numerous branches of national economy. Sea transport is strongly liked with international economy and therefore it is the first of all means of transport to experience the changes in global economic situation and is particularly sensitive to any fluctuations. Finally, the increase in the volume of international shipping traffic which could have been observed creates the need to make efforts to provide maritime salvage and security.


We should remember about these priorities during our discussions within the frames of the Maritime Economy Forum. 




fot. P. Kozłowski